I got an email yesterday from a reader asking about ways to remove negative spirits, so today I am going to write and shed some light on the area.
Negative evil spirits come in many different shapes, types and forms. There are many negative dark energies in this world that easily attaches itself to the unaware humanbeing.
Any negative thought can and will attract a negative thoughtform. Thoughtforms are known to feed energy off the human that created the thoughtform entity.
And then you have negative entities such as demons/devils..etc who also must feed on dark matter energy to maintain their strength in this physical world.
So negativity is all around us!!! Even if we are unaware of such energies yet it is still all around us. It starts with negative people, then negative thoughtforms that create and feed on negative situations and trauma and top it all off with negative entities that are conjured and directed by a skilled worker to harm another.
Therefore it is very important to learn and practice a protection method and ritual on a daily basis. But first let me teach you on ways and methods of getting rid of evil energies be it spirits or human creation, are you super excited, I AM so lets begin
To get rid of evil energies & spirits from your home:-
- Floor wash :- You can brew your own magical floor wash (please make sure to join my mail list for more of my spells ). My favorite formula for cleaning the house from demonic energies and bad juju is:
Hyssop, Rue & clove : Take a tablespoon to two of each herb and add to a pot full of water, bring it to boiling level, until the water turns color of the herbs usually I boil it for 9minutes.
Strain the tea mixture in a bucket and start mopping the floors of your house from the back to the front while praying any prayer of your choice in your own belief. Mine is: "I cleanse and clear this space from ALL negativity negative evil eye, negative work, negative thought form and negative entities. Be gone now, get the fuck out of my house LEAVE"
work your way all to the front door of your house and throw the remaining water at the front yard. Or down the toilet if you happen to live in an apartment. (Recommended treatment 9days in a row or on Monday of every week) - Burn incense daily. I personally LOVE burning frankincense, it's shooting and has a very strong protection to it but there are many different incense you can burn to banish evil spirits and demons alike such as mugwort herb (No demonic energy can stand this powerful herb).
Dragonblood incense is also good for banishing evil spirits from your house. You can also mix Agrimony herb with frankincense if you want to return hexes and spells back to senders. Finally you can also burn sage to clear negative vibrations around you.
(Make it a daily morning practice) - Creating a protective mojo bag and placing it above your door. Here is my own fav mojo bag recipe for protecting your house from allowing any negative energy in and it will also reflect all negativity back to sender three times three:
Get rue, mugwort and hyssop add these three herbs after blessing and placing your intention in a red fennel bag(Mojo bag), get red candle and light it while asking for protection from the Archangel Michael and his legions of light and also from the spiritual powers of these herbs and the spirits. Burn a protection incense and seal the mojo bag in three knots stating your intention. When the candle finishes burning all the way down your mojo bag is ready for use. Take this bag and hang it above your front door from the inside of your house in a hidden way. You can keep it behind a frame or be creative hiding your mojo bag.
This bag is good for three months to six months, please burn incense and candle for it once every three months to keep the juju working 🙂 - Salt and Garlic: The strongest super weapon there is for us humans buhahahahaha. No seriously with all jokes aside, how much do you guys know about the power of salt and garlic??? It's super powerful stuff when it comes to protecting yourself and your home from 'em evil vibes. And there are many different ways you can use them. You can create a spray bottle out of mixed salt water and use it to clean bad vibes in your living environment.
You can spray your matters with it before adding a new sheet, you can spray your couches and curtains too/walls and doors too.
You can add salt in your window too and around your furniture whenever you feel the need.
As for garlic, I will only use it if I live with someone negative and just leave a small piece of it under the place where the negative person usually sits (Under their favorite chair AGAIN creativity rules here
To get rid of evil spirits and energies from you:
Here I would advice getting professional spiritual help. It takes a great deal of power to fight demons and get them out, usually under a spiritual direction of an elder is the best method but if however you can't afford help or find the proper help then here is my recommendation for getting rid of demonic attachments/curses/bad luck:
- Spiritual bath: Do some deep research on spiritual baths and make your own. The most basic recipe for a bath would be adding tea from a mixture of hyssop rue and bayleaf to your bath water. Make sure you pray of your intentions in the bath and you do it from your feet going up or immerse yourself in the water nine times.
- Calling Archangel Michael daily to clear and cut any and all demonic attachments, burn candles in this saint name for faster release.
- Prayers: Prayers help and I many times call my spellwork prayers because magick in nature is praying but with so much focus that changes and shifts reality so pray pray and pray.
- White Light Visualization: Always picture yourself inside a bubble of white LIGHT so much light that no darkness or shadow is found. That light is protecting you and your aura from any outer manipulations and so it is.
- Egg cleansing: Take a cold egg and rinse it with normal temp. water and then roll the egg (just like you would with a soap) on your body starting from your head going downward to your feet while reciting any desired protective prayers to clear yourself from any and all bad luck jinexes hex and curses and crack the egg in a glass filled with half water, give thanks and flash the mixture in sink. Do this for 9days or 3days depending on how seriously damaged your energy is.
Again I will always recommended you get extra professional help dealing with any demonic body attachment removal. Please remember I am available only if the space of my altar allows, I can be hired easily and can release any and all dark matters at once 🙂
I hope the above tips are very helpful. Please do write me if you have any mystical or magical question for my blog and do not forget to join the family newsletter for more magick tips and tricks 🙂
From the deepest heart of Momma to you with lots of love and blessings. Have a happy life my readers you all deserve the best life there is.
I love you,
Momma Seba