Break Evil, Evil eye and Jealousy spiritual package
Everyone gets a dirty look now and then, and we usually think little of it (especially if we deserved it). For most of us it is soon shrugged off, but in many places belief in "the evil eye" is taken very seriously, and requires immediate action to avoid harm.
The evil eye is a human look believed to cause harm to someone or something. The supernatural harm may come in the form of a minor misfortune, or more serious disease, injury — even death.
Folklorist Alan Dundes, in his edited volume "The Evil Eye: A Casebook" notes that "the victim's good fortune, good health, or good looks — or unguarded comments about them — invite or provoke an attack by someone with the evil eye ... Symptoms of illness caused by the evil eye include loss of appetite, excessive yawning, hiccups, vomiting and fever. If the object attacked is a cow, its milk may dry up; if a plant or fruit tree, it may suddenly wither and die."
It’s mentioned in several verses of the Bible and in the works of Plato. It has also been mentioned in the Quran too. In the seventeenth century, Francis Bacon’s Of Envy suggested that humans have a power that they “ejaculate” upon any object—or person—they behold, and that power can cause ill will.
The evil eye is also said to cause a number of other maladies including insomnia, fatigue, depression and diarrhea. In many places, disease is considered a magical as well as a medical issue, and the reason a given person succumbs to a malady may be attributed to a curse instead of random chance or exposure to a virus. It can even affect objects and buildings: The evil eye cast upon a vehicle may break down irreparably, while a house so cursed may soon develop a leaky roof or an insect infestation. Just about anything that goes wrong may be blamed on the power of the evil eye.
The evil eye has been known for over 2,800 years ago. In ancient civilizations, the evil eye has been seen as a curse that befalls the victim from an evil glare of the attacker. Though evil eye can be casted without the attacker being aware of casting the evil eye. Hence evil eye can be casted from anyone really in admiration even so not just incase of jealousy.
Your friends and relatives same as strangers can cast an evil eye on you like a dark cloud that destroys your life and eats away your blessings. Evil eye is very dangerous and can change the life of the victim upside down. Evil eye can make the victim lose their jobs/relationships and even health and beauty. Evil eye once it sticks on a victim it attracts evil spirits that live in the evil eye and follow the victim everyday 24-7 ensuring the dark cloud is there blocking all blessings for the victim.
Evil eye effects can even destroy your house and not just your relationship, a person can cast evil eye on your house just by stating it's beautiful without praising and mentioning God. When a person cast an evil eye on your house, then all kind of jinxes enters your home. Things break, lights burn, plates and glasses keep breaking and drama fills the home in every corner.
An example of evil eye is intense jealousy or envy towards a person such that this gets converted into physical harm. Evil eye is extremely dangerous, it can effect the victim health and even bring early death to the victim. Evil eye can destroy your relationship and break up your marriage too. Therefore I always advice my clients not to share their relationship pictures and information too much in social media. We already know that everything in this world is made of energy. You are energy and so are other people. When you share beautiful moments from your relationship in social media and you don't have any spiritual daily practice/protection then for sure someone less fortunate than you, who is single and miserable see's your post and admires it/gets jealous why you and not them. That's evil eye and that is evil energy coming out their 3rd eye into your 3rd eye infecting your future with a cloud of darkness that evil spirits attach themselves to and become a host in your body.
It is tempting to view the evil eye as an ancient, discredited belief that plays no role in our 21st-century world. Instead, as folklorist Dundes notes, we "should keep in mind that the evil eye is not some old-fashioned superstitious belief of interest solely to antiquarians. The evil eye continues to be a powerful factor affecting the behavior of countless millions of people throughout the world."
Evil eye is spiritual diseases that creates a psychic knot of dark cloud and a dark spirit/entities house itself inside that psychic knot. That knot/dark cloud will travel inside your veins and physical body. It can manifest physically as back pain/neck pain/shoulder pain/pain in the stomach..etc
Evil eye signs:-
If you had a beautiful thriving business then you lost it - it can definitely be an evil eye effect.
If you had a beautiful great job position that everyone thought you were lucky and soon after you lost the job/lost your drive and even your creativity - this can definitely be an evil eye effect.
If you use to take care of yourself look pretty and all then all of sudden now you don't care about your looks and even the beauty you recently had faded away due to skin problems/stress -this can definitely be an evil eye effect
If you had a successful website/online presence and all of sudden you lost the success/followers/influence -this can be an evil eye effect.
Evil eye changes the state of the person from great to below average in life, in work, in love and even in Spirit. Evil eye is a serious spiritual disease it rapes your happiness and shuts life door on your face. Evil eye should always be taken seriously especially if you work in service sector and deal with people daily.
This spiritual package will attack every evil eye casted on you since birth in this lifetime and remove them knot by knot. This treatment will remove every entity attached to you due to evil eye. These entities are known as Jinn al-taba3a type. These type of jinn they block love, destroy relationships and bring ill fortunate and bad luck to the victim.
You don't need to have any spiritual experience in dealing and removing entities. With this package you can do it easily and safely without the need of years of knowing mixing the herbal recipes and the oils.
Dear mama Seba,
Thank you mama for the break evil treatment package, I followed your program line by line, it was easy very easy indeed. I did the salt rinse after my daily bath and used the body oil right after. Mama on my first day of the treatment, after I used the body oil, my stomach started hurting and I felt painful back cramps and my left feet started burning like fire. When I emailed you, you told me it was working and to continue using. On the 2nd day, I received free gifts from old friends and two strangers in the street. One gave me 5 plants for free (She said she was moving and had to find fast homes for them) and two friends gave me money gifts for no reason and one free ticket to a game! Again after I e-mailed you, you mentioned it was a sign it started working and doors in life are opening for me. You were right mama, day after day of the treatment more good things or good luck was showing up in my life. Even in my love life, am in my 6 day now and I have 4 new love interest when only last week I had no interest at all. Mama you are powerful and I am happy I found you, I wish I knew you before and now I know evil eye is real, thank you for teaching me and want you to publish this message for others who may find it helpful. I am forever grateful for the work you do. Thank you mama.
This spiritual treatment package is a spiritual program that the client must follow for the healing of all evil effects and misfortune of evil eye and jealousy in their lives, the package includes :-
- Break Evil Eye Salt Bath customized charged and prepared by me using your birthname in a ritual manner. I pray on this salt bath using EXTREMELY POWERFUL prayers that kills demons devils evil eye evil jinn, I do the prayers three times on the salt for three days and prepare it with herbs that my Spirits show you need for fast breakthroughs.
- Body Oil customized prayed on using your birthname with prayers that breaks ALL KINDS of evil eye and puts protective walls all around your body.
- Break Evil Eye & Protection Spray Bottle customized bottle spray to be sprayed around you and your home/car/furniture
- Frankincense charged and prayed on to remove demons devils and all evil spirits, to be burned daily in your house/home/room during the treatment period.
*Because of the dangerous nature of evil eye effects and its entities, each of the products above is fixed privately for YOU. It is specifically made for your treatment. After you place the order the package is fixed using your birthname in the prayers and the ritual. Please allow 3-5 business day to fix your package and ship it to you. The package is shipped with instructions on use and life e-mail support.
- This package requires a mailing address for us to ship you the private spiritual package. After payment e-mail with your birthname, your mother first birth name (optional) and a mailing address for shipment. Please allow 3-5 business days for us to ship your break evil spiritual package.
- The package to be used for three weeks anything remaining can be save for any future use.
Please feel free to e-mail us with any questions or concerns.