Hello family
Today I want to talk to you about negativity/negative energies and negative entities and how to rid yourself from any negative influences directed to you
Negative energies are everywhere and is very much attached to anything that is fearful. All negative entities the higher and the lower ones from all dimensions feed off negative energies and these spirits can even attach themselves to humans. We have first to understand that there are many types of spirits in different worlds/dimensions which are interconnected with our physical reality and some of these spirits are thought forms which have been also created by humans intentionally and non intentionally. So my beautiful visitors and family as you can see there are many different forms and levels of spirits. Some are made by Source and some are created by the Human Mind. Yes my beautiful family the Human Mind is super powerful and that is why magick works for the person who has a strong will and a strong heart.
Anyways let me now get far away from this topic, because I want to teach how to cleanse yourself from such negative energies and negative spirits/entities attachment. Okay first thing first, please understand that everything is energy in this world. Therefore everything is changeable and everything is possible. Since we are all energies and everything is energy so we CAN and WILL get effected and influenced easily by OTHER energies outside of our selves. These energies sometimes are directed to us by a skilled person and most times are attracted to us by our own minds.
If you have a negative mind that is busy with complaints/anger/sadness….etc then dark/negative energies and spirits find beautiful home space in your spiritual body. One of the ways to know if you suffer from negative energies or are under attack would be receiving bad luck in strings of moments. Finding closed doors in all you do. Losing the thrill for life and for being alive. Nightmares are common sign specially if you suffer from constant nightmares. Failing in business or studies and even losing career. Basically bad luck/evil eye/curses and hexes are negative energies in work.
The best way to prevent negativity from touching you or your life is to learn basic means and matters of spiritual cleansing. Here I will mention few method:
smudging is a Native American Ritual in which they ward off negative energy and invite in positive energy by burning certain herbs. They use is to cleanse a person or an area. Burning herbs for emotional, physical, or spiritual purification is common practice in many religious, healing, and spiritual traditions. The theory behind smudging is that the smoke attaches itself to negative energy and as it clears it takes the negative energy with it, releasing it into another space to be regenerated.Smudging is very effective when you've been feeling depressed, angry, or sick. You can smudge your home or work space as part of a general spiritual housecleaning or if you feel you have any unwanted "guests" or beings from the other side that are unwelcome in your home.
How to do it:
There is no one way to do a smudging ritual. Remember anything you do to cleanse negative energy, do it with an open positive heart. Leave yourself open to absorb any goodness in the universe and to reject any negative.
To start burning the herbs you will need a flame. A candle flame works good. Light the smudge stick. Once there's a flame blow it out so that the smudge stick is just smoldering. Blow or wave the flame with your hand to put out the fire. Allow the smudge stick to smolder, freeing the smoke to circle in the air.
If You are Smudging Yourself
Fan the swirls of smoke around your body from your feet to your head. Focus on areas that you feel are areas where there has been or is physical, emotional, or psychic pain. For example, if you are going through a divorce or break up, pay extra attention to your heart. If you are making a hard decision pay attention to your head. Picture in your mind's eye the smoke lifting away all the negative thoughts, pain, emotions and energies that have attached themselves to you. Or if you feel you have another "spirit" attached to you, imagine the smoke lifting it away up to "the light."
If you are Smudging Someone Else
If there are others around you who are helping you, everyone in the group should be smudged. Fan the smoke all around their bodies. You may want to say what your intention is as you do it. For example, "Let this smoke carry all pain and negativity away from this person." Or "If there are any spirits here, it is time for you to move on to where you are supposed to go. Let the smoke take you there."
Smudging a Room
Light the smudge stick and walk about the perimeter of the house or room you are cleansing. Spend some extra time in the corners and the places behind doors or any areas that feel "heavy." Some will fan the smoke throughout the room with a large feather. Make sure you are praying throughout this ritual and talking to "God" or the "universe" and ask for it's guidance.
Cleansing Items
You may also do these same ritual on items. If you feel you have an item that has negative energies attached to it, burn the smudge stick and fan the smoke over these items, while saying a prayers to release negative energies from the object.
Extinguishing the smudge stick
Make sure you have a fireproof receptacle to put the smudge stick in when you've finished. It's ideal to damp the stick out in sand or dirt or you can just press it against the bottom of the receptacle.
Herbs Used While Smudging
A variety of different herbs may be used to smudge. When the herbs used for smudging are tied into a bundle and allowed to dry they are called a "smudge stick".
* Sage- is used to drive out bad spirits, feelings, or influences, and also to keep bad spirits from entering the area where a ceremony takes place.
* Mugwort- is a form of Sage and this herb stimulates psychic awareness and acts a strong cleanser of negative energies.
* Lavender- restores balance, creates a peaceful atmosphere and attracts loving energy.
* Cedar- should be burned while praying either silently or out loud. The prayers are said to rise on the cedar smoke and are carried to the Creator. It is said to drive out negative energy; but it also brings in good energy.
* Sweetgrass- It is said it good to burn sweetgrass after the sage or cedar had driven out the bad influences. Sweetgrass brings in good spirits and the good influences. You should also pray while burning Sweetgrass so the bad energies go away with the smoke.
*Amber- is a sweet resin that can be burned on charcoal to release fearful and painful energy. It is often crumbled into massage oil as a healer for the skin or it can be rubbed directly onto the skin as a sweet subtle perfume.
* Copal Essence is the traditional incense burned by the native peoples of Central and South America. This rich and fragrant smoke can be used for initiations and clearings, before and after healing experiences. Copal is resinous incense and must be burned on a charcoal tablet.
Blessing Your Home/Office/Self With Holy Water
Here is another method of cleansing your house of unwanted Ghosts, Demons, or Spirits. Holy water is a good tool whether you are of Christian faith or not. You can go to a Catholic Church and get water that has been blessed by a priest. Take it to your house and walk around your home and splash this water by dipping your fingers in it and sprinkling it everywhere. Make sure to get everywhere in the home, closets, doorways, basements, attics, corners. It is good to do the outside of your house and your yard too.
Whatever religion you are invoke your God by calling to Him out loud and praying to help cleanse your home. For example if you`re of Christian faith, you can say the Lord's prayer while sprinkling Holy water and invoke the name of Jesus Christ asking that he remove any negative energies & spirits from your home. Just apply your religion. The important thing is that you have faith in who you are praying to and that what you are asking to happen will.
Any prayer will usually work as long as you have the faith that your god will protect you.
Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael's name means. "Who is like God." He is known as the Prince of Light. It is said that if asked, he will clear away negative energy. Ask him to clear your home or whatever area you would like, of any negative energy that could affect you or any of your life purposes. Also ask him to clear up any negative energy in your life, for instance, if you are in an argument with someone, or having a hard time with a negative boss. Ask him to remove negativity from your life and bring forth strong positive changes and forces. Afterward thank him in your heart, and picture a white ball of light surrounding you and your family and your home that nothing evil can penetrate.
Prayer & Meditation
This seems so simple, but simply praying or meditating can be very powerful. Before I go on a ghost hunt, or if I am somewhere where I feel scared or heavy, I simply say a "protection" prayer. In my mind I imagine the light of the universe running through and around my body, and making a protective barrier so nothing evil can get in or attach to me. I pray that God's light surrounds me, and that my family and I will always be safe. I pray that any entities we may contact will stay where they are or go up to the light where they should be.
I use meditation in the same way. At night when I go to bed, I picture each of my auras, one by one, starting at my head and going down to my feet. The imagine a white light coming from the universal energy, running through me and around me. I picture each chakra and and concentrate on where I may need healing or strength. Then I say a prayer for God to protect me and heal me and take away anything that is negative and to help me follow my life's purpose.
I hope that one of these ways of "cleansing" will stand out to you. I hope it will help you achieve what you are aiming to achieve and that your world will be filled with love, light, and peace.
Items of Protection
Here are some tools have been used successfully by believers, skeptics, and non-believers alike. You can also order powerful strong voodoo proection spells and mojo bag
The most familiar protection may be garlic, usually fresh garlic. Long associated with vampires, garlic is supposed to repel evil spirits and entities.
White table salt, sea salt, or Kosher salt can be used. Some carry blessed or charged salt. This is salt that has been blessed by a religious person, sometimes a priest or other spiritual minister. According to many traditions, spirits cannot cross a line of salt. Others believe that salt generally repels evil spirits, and the salt can be carried in any container, in a small pouch around the neck, in a pocket or cast in the direction of the problem entity. Some outline the outside of their house with it. Salt may be blessed by prayer or by the full moon. One way to do this is to put sea salt in a clear glass bowl. Place the bowl on a window ledge where it will be in the light of the moon during the three days around the full moon.
Catholics and non-Catholics alike use holy water as protection from ghosts and evil in general. You can visit the nearest Catholic church for Holy water. In the church entry or lobby, there is usually some sort of drum or container with a spigot. Church members bring their own bottles to decant the holy water, and leave a couple of dollars as a donation.
Technically, anyone can bless their water to make it 'holy'. In older Catholic traditions, an individual makes the sign of the cross over the container of water and says, 'I bless this water in the name of the Father', and so on. You can replace the father with God or Allah. Use the name of the higher power you believe in.
Many people also believe just having the Bible/ the Quran/ any holybook near you is a tool for protection