Hi family,
I received an email question:
Mama I love your site blog I always read it. Thank you for sharing your wisdom online for us all. I have a problem mama and need direction in course of action with it, an enemy casted a curse on my home business and I don't know if I should curse her back or reverse it? Please guide me?
Ofcourse you should reverse it my love. Not only will you hit your enemy hard, you will also take the curse off you and do the demons a great favor. You see what a lot of people don't know; is that demons who work dark magic such as curses are trapped within the spell beyond their own will. So when you reverse the spell,these demons hit the sender ten times fold giving your enemy the best taste of their own medicine.
Always reverse all evil back to senders and do it regularly (It will benefit you greatly) and it can definitely be used as a form of spiritual cleansing too. There is nothing wrong with reversing at all.
You will teach people not to mind their nose into your business and plus you will teach them not to throw curses up in the air. Reversing spell WILL cause severe damage to your enemies. I have seen if first hand many times too; heart attack victims!!!
So people out of the world be very careful when casting curses, it is not for the light hearted for you will lose a lot and maybe even a whole human being if someone reversed the curse up on you.
For even protection can stop for a while and you get attacked, demons do not give up at all, they will always be around your aura waiting for an opening to take over, that's why they are employed to carry out such curse spells.
Stay blessed and aware,
Mama Seba